Sunday, August 29, 2010

it's been too long

Dear friends,
i have intermittent, unreliable internet now. it sucks. :(

the good news is...i am not in the hospital. i went to the hospital today and remembered how very, very, very fortunate and glad i am to not be there. and if i do have to go (back), it'll be okay and i'll write some stuff and it'll be fine - but when everything for the past few months has been getting worse instead of better, it is nice to let myself be thankful.

the bad news is, still, intermittent internet.

oh man.

fuck you, life. fuck you sometimes.


Monday, August 16, 2010

adulthood ?

Dear friends,
i had a fever today and a pretty bad cold. and no appetite. in a former life i would have sucked it the $^(* up and gone to class, and probably gone to work. i have been to work much sicker than this. instead i slept for about ten hours and watched a bunch of DVDs. i'll probably do the exact same thing tomorrow.

working from home is nice and not-nice at the same time.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dear friends,

Thanks for your concern. i slept for soooooooooo long. wow.

but i feel a little better.

love from CYE: "I bumped into Bernie Madoff on the street one day and he was wearing a quilted jacket with the collar up. So the next day, I went in and pulled all my money out."


Monday, August 2, 2010

this was not a good day

Dear friends,
it hasn't gotten easier and i haven't gotten stronger. The question now is, how much time do i give it.

My life is so good but i feel so $^(*ing sad.
